The room is a cosy 1K 23㎡ with everything you'd expect in an guest house, newly built in March 2019 with modern facilities, natural light, and a view of the park from the balcony. 4 mins from the station nestled in its local creative culture, it is perfect for singles, couples & small families looking to discover the expressive, yet unpretentious Hatagaya + Shibuya, Shinjuku, Harajuku, Shimokita, Sasazuka etc. with great ease.
what is HATAGAYA like?
Izakayas, live venues, vinyl stores, coffee shops - Hatagaya has a lot to offer in a Tokyo-local, non-touristic city scape. Every guest receives a specially curated, recommendations list which you can load directly on Google Maps.
better prices, same peace of mind
Booking with us directly for the best price with the same peace of mind.
We can do this by helping you save on extra fees that you will otherwise be charged on other online booking platforms. Just simply get in touch with us here with a quote from a selected platform, and we will get back to you with an offer.
We also realise that security means a whole lot for all parties concerned. This is why regarding payments, all transactions are managed via Stripe and their trusted, payment processing platform.
And lastly, to guarantee the same transparency as the booking platforms, we will also ask you to verify your ID by sending us a photo, or a scanned copy of your selected ID document that matches the name on your payment method: this can be your passport if you do not have a Japanese driver’s license or a zairyu card. This guarantees peace of mind from the perspective of security as well as covid19, as it helps us help the council, and government to stay informed and keep track of covid19 (in the case that it happens).
We love all things culture-derived and related, so regarding whatever you’re into and some local insight may help, don’t hesitate to let us know :)
For anything we missed or you would like clarified, you’re always welcome to drop us a message here:
+81 90 9814 6806
For time-sensitive inquiries, please send a WhatsApp message to the number above, or send a message on Instagram @returnthisway. When messaging, please add your full name and details about your inquiry. Thank you :)
Keeping an eye on things in a changing situation can surely be stressful.
To simplify staying informed, we recommend this brilliant article here on Travel Caffeine which summarises the situation here very well while also keeping things up-to-date.
Despite the news and the Japanese government’s unscientific border closure policy, so many of us in Japan can’t be more excited about resuming an open connection with the wider world again.
Here’s to hoping Japan will be blessed by your presence soon 🎑